About Nisqually
Welcome to Nisqually Middle School!
We opened in 1966 and serve students in Lacey, Washington, from 6th through 8th grade. Nisqually Middle School is an evolving learning community where young adolescents have opportunities to become caring and contributing members of society. Our students will think critically, appreciate diversity, and be lifelong learners.
Grades Served
Opened in 1966.
School Data
For enrollment, demographics, student performance, and other numbers, see our Washington State Report Card.
Survey Results
Learn what our community sees as North Thurston's greatest strengths and challenges as we plan for the future.
Community Partners
Thanks to our community partners at GraceWorks Church!
Goals & School Improvement Plan
Academic Gap Goal
Students passing the math SBA will improve for the following subgroups of 6th grade students:
- Low SES: 11.3% to 19%
- Hispanic: 12.3% to 20%
- MLL Student: 7.1% to 12%
- Students receiving SPED services: 2.8% to 10%
Behavior Gap Goal
The average yearly percentage of 8th grade students of low SES who are chronic non-attenders will decrease from 50% to 40%.
School Improvement Plan
Get Involved
Nisqually values the strong support of our families and community. Volunteer opportunities include mentoring, tutoring, participating in events and field trips, helping in the classroom, and more.
Building History
Nisqually middle school was built in 1966 on 45.1 acres and opened its doors in 1967. Originally named Nisqually Junior High, it was the second junior high school built in NTPS and served grades 6–9. Total enrollment the first year was around 250 students, supported by 38 staff members.
In 1970, the name was changed to Nisqually Middle School when the 9th graders were moved to the newly finished Timberline High School. The school continued serving grades 6–8 until the fall of 1978 when 6th grade was moved back to elementary school.
In 1983, the building underwent a major redesign and remodel to look more like the building seen today and the June 2008 modernization included an outdoor playshed, freestanding 8-classroom building, new computer labs, library, and front entrance redesign.
In 2024, our logo was updated to more accurately portray our totem and the field will be upgraded to turf and add lighting for better community access.
The Totem
The original building in 1967 included a hand-carved blue totem pole in the rear courtyard. The 1983 remodel removed the courtyard to build the small gym, and the totem was removed. No one knows what happened to it. In 2003, faculty and students began a 7-year-long project to bring back a totem to the Nisqually campus. A 186-year-old cedar log was donated by Manke Lumber of Shelton, and through countless hours of planning, carving, and painting, the totem now proudly stands directly next to our front entrance.
The totem pole named “Children Playing Among Teachers” includes an eagle at the top, representing strength, followed by a whale, representing family, and a nurturing image of a bear at the bottom. Children's faces on the pole represent Nisqually and our community.